Ipari technológiák-06


An industrial and energetic company in spring 2018

2018. April 10. Tuesday

As spring brings renewal and revival in nature, this spring brings changes in the life of our company as well.

According to Beckhard “organisation development OD is an organization-wide planned effort, managed from the top, to increase organizational effectiveness and health through planned interventions in the organizational processes, using behavioural science knowledge”.  

‘Planned’ means that the present state of the organisation has been assessed, a plan for the development strategy has been elaborated, and the resources needed for implementation have been mobilized.

And what does change mean for the whole organisation? This is definitely the modification of the organisational culture and the incentive system of employees.

Being managed from the top shows that top management is personally interested in the above change, and it takes an active role. It has been determined what is included in the concept of an efficient company that is capable of living.

The above change is implemented through problem-solving, planning, relationships among persons and groups and conflict management, in order to establish a self-renewing, viable, task-oriented team/organisation.

The following fields of development mean priority aspects for us: training, openness for renewal, team work, training of successors, common aims, recognition and personal prospect in the company.

As we undergo an internal renewal, as well as mobilize and structure our inner resources and adjust ourselves to the new needs occurring in the industrial and energetic sector, we continuously adapt our external appearance and communication to the latest trends.  

Our renewed website is the first external sign of the above change, with the help of which we would like to provide a comprehensive picture of us, our expertise and our credo thus also supporting the visitors who think of our company either as an employer or an employee.

Nevertheless, we have not changed our philosophy – which we have unfailingly believed from the beginning – and which continues focussing on meeting the needs of the actors in the industrial and energetic market, innovative solutions, environment consciousness, relationships based on mutual trust; we envisage the above with a qualified and experienced staff, complete process management activity from design to key-turn implementation in the future as well.

Erőművek, ipari energetikai- és technológiai létesítmények kivitelezője