Ipari technológiák-06


Hyundai Engineering at the Komárom industrial park

2019. January 31. Thursday
Bojti Bea
| Üzletfejlesztési Igazgató

Hyundai Engineering will realize the large scale plans as the general contractor, in which our company will perform the mechanical tasks and implementation designs related to steam boilers, air compressors, air dryers, air cooling units, cooling towers, pumps, nitrogen stations, air treatment units and the HVAC system.

In addition to all of this, our tasks include the design, production and installation of a 900 m3 industrial water tank, as well as the installation of the gas reception station and the performance of necessary piping, assembly and specialized industrial works.

Teamwork at Komárom
Erőművek, ipari energetikai- és technológiai létesítmények kivitelezője