Ipari technológiák-06


Steam boiler arrival at the installation site

2013. June 21. Friday

Project came in phase of the technological realization, within the installation of the supply container, then after the erection of the steel structure and chimney, at the end of June 2013 has the 22 t/h BOSCH steam-boiler arrived at the site of Dunamenti Power Plant, where under severe security measures got to its final place.

The lightweight boiler-house got the final form with lifting of the sandwich-panels its place, after the architectural tasks ended with the concreting works around the building. Then the external patch has been built, with the boiler house could seem as ready, but the internal engineering works are in progress. In the meantime there were staged the electrical-power transmission- and EMS contractors on site.

Erőművek, ipari energetikai- és technológiai létesítmények kivitelezője