Ipari technológiák-06


Syringe factory expansion in Tatabánya

2019. April 25. Thursday
Bojti Bea
| Üzletfejlesztési Igazgató

First in medical technology

BD (Becton, Dickinson and Company) is an American owned, market leading medical technology company. Its employees have been working worldwide to improve people’s health condition for nearly 120 years.

Hungarian site


BD operates a site in Hungary, located in the Tatabánya-Környe Industrial Park, which has been growing constantly for many years and currently employs approx. 900 persons. The factory’s core activity is the manufacturing and assembly of glass syringes and plastic medical equipment for the largest, world famous pharmaceutical industry companies. In 2017 their activity was expanded with the manufacturing of biological reagents, which are produced for research-development purposes. 

The decision made by BD’s Board of Directors to choose Hungary in 2007 was facilitated by the country’s proper infrastructure and favorable location, while the high quality standard work performance of the employees provided the basis for further development plans.


BD - Kraftszer cooperation


Our Company has won the tender for the current expansion, where we will perform the construction, engineering and electric design and implementation tasks necessary for the installation and energy supply of the so-called T6 production line. This is extraordinary because we must comply with the high quality requirements that are generally applied in the pharmaceutical industry and in cleanroom technologies, for the entire implementation period including during continuous operation.

The current development will serve the further expansion of our production capacity, by which the internal manufacturing area intended for technology will be completely integrated (the building was already constructed in the first phase).




Syringe factory expansion in Tatabánya
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