Ipari technológiák-06


Trainee programme of Kraftszer Kft.

2018. April 17. Tuesday

In the first place the meaning of a trainee programme for Kraftszer Kft. should be clarified. We do not only provide a trainee position for engineers with 1 or 2-year experience or college/university students spending their last years, but our applicants participate in a programme that is structured by topics, focussed on continuous feedback and evaluation, and concentrates on a certain field.

We consider important that we should train our future staff members as we work in such a special field for which we rarely find an appropriate expert from the market. We believe that young staff members who receive training this way will represent our market interests the most efficiently and in the most versatile way with the approach learnt from us.

Inclusion in the programme

As our aim is to adapt the applicants to the needs of Kraftszer Kft., inclusion is preceded by a careful selection. The above well-considered preliminary process allows us to plan in the long run even with a low number of trainees at our company.  

We consider important that communication with the trainees should include from the first moment what they can expect and what they can achieve after finishing the programme. The periods vary, they are between half a year and several years.


Naturally, cooperation takes places among contractual frames according to the law, with so called rotation points. In order to retain the best trainees, we consider further training a priority issue, which means these persons can acquire the knowledge required for their development within the frame of a study contract.

Strict selection

We set high requirements for the application to the trainee programme as this is essential for us as a main contractor in the industrial and energetic sector, at the same time it is a guarantee for both parties in long-term common work. As we cannot consider the applicants’ past experience, in addition to the traditional interview method, we often use other selection methods as well, for example personality and skills tests.

The importance of feedback

An assessment–centred approach and continuous feedback are important in the life of young career starters as the world of work is a completely new field for them where they will have to prove, acquire new knowledge, make responsible decisions and face challenges several times. With the above, Kraftszer Kft. contributes to building a proper self-estimation of the new generation and the continuous growth of performance.

The importance of background

The background of the programme should be also mentioned as it is essential that resources should be available to allow smooth operation. Related to this, both human and material resources should be considered as on the one hand we need well-qualified and experienced theoretical and practical experts who are able to transfer knowledge, on the other hand we also need company projects in which participants can be involved, and last but not least we need positions that we can offer in the long run. The design and optimization of the programme happens with the above factors taken into consideration.

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