Ipari technológiák-06

News and stories

Design and construction of a pair of district heating backbone pipes in district V, Budapest

2022. July 27. Wednesday

We are delighted to be able to contribute to the air quality improvement programme in the centre of Budapest by raising the standard of the district heating pipe network. As a partner of Municipal Public Services (former FŐTÁV zRt) , our company, is performing the development works of the district heating network in Apáczai Csere János street and the section between the Erzsébet bridge and the Dorottya Hotel, which started in June 2022.

To improve the air quality in the city centre, BKM Nonprofit Zrt. decided to upgrade the district heating pipelines in the city centre According to the decision, the extension of the existing district heating system in Apáczai Csere János Street, between the Elisabeth Bridge and the Dorottya Hotel, was launched in June 2022 and will be completed in 2022. We are proud that our company, as a partner of FŐTÁV Zrt., has been awarded the contract for the development of the district heating network.  Within the framework of the development, a DN 250/400 pre-insulated pair of backbone pipes will be installed in Apáczai Csere János street by Kraftszer Kft.

Throughout the implementation and scheduling of the project, Kraftszer Kft. will manage and maintain coordination and communication with the Investor, the residents of the District and the Authorities.

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