Ipari technológiák-06

News and stories

Investment project at the Komárom industrial park

2018. November 12. Monday
Bojti Bea
| Üzletfejlesztési Igazgató

As it has been reported by the Hungarian and international press, the South Korean SK Innovation is building its electric car battery factory at the Komárom industrial park with a HUF 97.5 billion investment. SK Innovation is the third largest company in South Korea, and with its project in Hungary it will have three significant battery factories operating in the Central-European region. In the future factory – on a 42 hectare area of the industrial park – regular production will commence in 2020.


First phase of the construction

The first phase of the factory’s construction will be realized on a 66 thousand square meter area of the industrial park. During its operation production in the factory will be ongoing 24 hours per day all year round. The production technology is not unknown in Hungary, since as a result of a 2017 investment project a similar factory opened in Göd  and the company also produces batteries with this technology at its facility operating in the South Korean city of Seosan. 


Battery – business branch

According to information provided by the CEO of the battery business branch – Yoon Yea Sun –, after the start of mass production in the factory in 2020, the total capacity of manufactured batteries will be 7.5 GWh, which will service 250 thousand cars. The construction of the second factory will commence depending on the amount of orders. Its capacity will be identical with the first phase, the size of the production hall is planned to be 430 thousand square meters.

It’s not a secret that the company’s goal is to enter the European market with the investment project in Komárom. At the ceremonial commencement of the factory’s construction, the representatives of BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Ferrari, Hyundai and Renault were greeted by name.


How is Kraftszer Ltd, connected to the project?

Hyundai Engineering will realize the large scale plans as the general contractor, in which our company will perform the mechanical tasks and implementation designs related to steam boilers, air compressors, air dryers, air cooling units, cooling towers, pumps, nitrogen stations, air treatment units and the HVAC system.

In addition to all of this, our tasks include the design, production and installation of a 900 m3 industrial water tank, as well as the installation of the gas reception station and the performance of necessary piping, assembly and specialized industrial works.

Bea H. Bojti/Head of Acquisition


Investment project
Erőművek, ipari energetikai- és technológiai létesítmények kivitelezője