Hosszúrét Block of flats- Power Centre

Hosszúrét Block of flats- Power Centre


Central production of cooling and heating district heat for the Hosszúrét Block of flats with connected electrical energy production.

Customer GM Kőérberek 30 Ltd. 

Scope of supply:

As main contractor our task was the designing, purchasing, constructing and commissioning of the Power Centre as follows (without the building):

  • Designing the basic concept and technology (P&I, arrangement)
  • Full scale basic an detailed designing, acustical designing
  • Arhitecture with main and sub facilities
  • Electrical system 10 kV and 0,4kV
  • Control technology
  • Production, shipping, installation
  • Commissioning, test run
  • Documentation, education


The Hosszúrét Block of flats is one of the first large facility in the country, where beside the heating, the cooling also the task of the Power centre. For this purpose, instead of kogeneration we had to build trigeneration energy centre. Beside the 2 gas engine, we had tu upbuild absorbtion and compression coolers. The produced electrical energy are given to the 10 kV grid of ELMÜ, the cooling and heating district heat to the district heating system of the block of flats. The basic unit of the power centre are the 2 gas engines, which thermal output is used in the district heating system in winter operation, or in the absorber cooler in summer operation. T

he produced electricity is given to the local network. For the heating and cooling peak demand 1 –1 pcs of boilers and compression coolers were built in. The operation of the Power Centre is fully automatic. The trend tracking is also executed by the high-level control system. In the control room all the main- and sub informations, adjustments, operational parameters are accessible for the operators. Special demands There are residential area and sport facilities beside the Power centre. Because of this, we had to keep very low noise level at the building site. This meant expanded noise reducing demand for the building, the ventilation system and the coolers outside the building.


GM Kőérberek 30 Kft.


1110 Budapest, Kánai út 2.

Operation start


Erőművek, ipari energetikai- és technológiai létesítmények kivitelezője